Welcome to the Soybean Research Center

Soyfields, buildings and UMN watertower

Communication, Collaboration, Synergy

Better Results for Farmers


Upcoming Events

Early Planning stages are in effect for a tour of Minnesota soybean facilities/farms for our graduate students this summer.  The outstate tour in 2022 was a hit and we plan to cover a variety of venues this year as well.  


Woman presents talk in front of room full of people
Man explains poster of his research to 3 students.
large crowd gathers under tent on grass
man in UMN hat scoops ice cream
several men load their plates with barbecue under tent
several people sit in grass eating in front of scientific posters
many people in gold Soybean Research Center tshirts stand outside watching the football game

Co-leads Seth Naeve and Aaron Lorenz speak during UMN hosted event

June 18, 2024

Seth Naeve and Aaron Lorenz were two of the speakers at a Field Day event for Lallemand Plant Care which was hosted by the University.  

Seedling Emergence!

May 28, 2024

Despite a weird wet spring we have seedlings coming up in the research plots on the St. Paul campus! 

2024 Planting is underway!

May 16, 2024

Planting out started in earnest yesterday with grad student soybean projects getting started in the morning and by the afternoon we were planting in the crossing blocks.  Today Sonia Bolvaran did some hand planting in the field during some exceptionally beautiful weather (seen here).  

Students awarded President's Student Leadership and Service Award

April 15, 2024

Mjay Espina, PhD student, and Lucas Roberts, PhD student, were awarded the President's Student Leadership and Service Award which recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of outstanding student leaders at the University of Minnesota.  

Lucas Roberts and Carlos Sanchez share their experiences working at the Agricultural Research Institute (INIA Chile)

March 27, 2024

Lucas Roberts, Ph.D. candidate in the Applied Plant Sciences (APS) program (advisor, Aaron Lorenz) and Carlos Sanchez, a master’s student in APS (advisor, Seth Naeve) gave talks at a luncheon describing their experiences as 2022 recipients of the C. Jerry Nelson International Fellowship.  They both worked at the Agricultural Research Institute (INIA Chile) near Santiago, Chile, for three weeks in 2023.  Lucas was researching virus pressure on beans and Carlos researched soybean development.

UMN student nabs first place poster award at 2024 SBW

March 13, 2024

Mjay Espina, graduate student, won first place for her poster "Assembly, comparative analysis, and utilization of a single haplotype reference genome for soybean" at the 2024 Soybean Breeders Workshop in St. Louis, MO. 

Lightning Talk Event creates opportunity for sharing

January 29, 2024

The Soybean Research Center held a Lightning Talk and Networking event on January 26th, 2024, highlighting 7 researchers and their recent work...

SRC Graduate Students featured in Crossover MNCropCast Podcast Episode

November 9, 2023

In this special cross-over episode, CropCast hosts Dave Nicolai and Seth Naeve visit with three talented graduate students who work on Soybean Research Center related projects...

Dr. Pedro Urriola Reports on Four Significant Projects during Field Day

October 31, 2023

At the recent University of Minnesota Soybean Research Center Field Day, Pedro Urriola and his dedicated team of researchers unveiled the results of four significant projects, shedding light on the future of livestock nutrition, sustainability, and disease prevention. These studies promise to reshape our understanding of soybean utilization, livestock production, and environmental impact assessment.