Soybean Research Center Sampler Fri. Nov. 11
The Soybean Research Center is hosting a Research Sampler on Friday, Nov. 11 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM in 306 Borlaug. The event will include information about funding opportunities from soybean organizations, student posters, and a social hour & reception.
SRC Spring Social
Soybean Research Center's Annual (?!) Spring Social/Networking Event
Friday, Apr. 22--starting at 3:30, but stop by anytime until ~5:30 for food, drinks, and conversation with fellow UMN soybean researchers!
Borlaug Hall Patio (in case of rain, we'll be in the Land O'Lakes Center, 395 Borlaug)

Field School for Ag Professionals
July 20-21, 2022: University of MN Exension offers a two-day hands-on, in-field program emphasizing crop and pest management diagnostic skill-building will help you enhance your troubleshooting and crop management skills.

Special Seminar: Terry Hurley
Special Seminar: Terry Hurley
Austin A. Dowell Professor and Director of Graduate Studies,
University of MN, Department of Applied Economics
Friday, Mar. 25, 2022 12:00-1:00 PM
306 Borlaug Hall

Special Seminar: Greg Tylka
Special Seminar: Greg Tylka
Iowa State University, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology,
Director, Iowa Soybean Research Center
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2022 11:00-12:00 PM
105 Cargill Building